
Calling all Grandmothers

This image and words below were recently posted on Facebook by my Shero, Beth Weaver-Kreider , and they hit me hard today.  With all that is going on in the world, the unspeakable tragedies, the atrocities that are being done to our children..I can't bring myself to dig too deep nor look too long at the news because I will be so overcome with rage and sorrow that I'll crawl into bed and be of no use to anyone. I haven't yet figured out exactly how I can rise up and help, in my own small way, but I want to do something. Many women my age are saying the same, yet we feel helpless, caught in this trap of uncertainty and fear, convinced that we don't have the power, the voice, to make changes. But what if we do ? What would that require? What would that look like?  I'm thinking aloud here, putting these queries out into the Universe in the hope that somehow the answer will come..soon.  We have to live differently. or we will die in the same old ways. Therefore I call on

Wordless Wednesday: Creating Space


New Year

She walked naked Into the New Year. No definite plan. No vision boards. No intentions set. No journals created. No classes or workshops scheduled. Only trust in the Great Mystery, in Goddess, to provide and direct her Soul toward its destiny. Dreaming the visions between past and future lives, She listened to the voice of her Soul as it called her forward into love and grace and magnificence. As it called her deeper into her purpose, step by step by step. With only an open heart and the thrill of the journey, She walked freely and open into the coming year. Words by  Arlene Bailey , Her Sacred Wild, Re-Membering the Wild Soul Woman Art by Roberta Orpwood 

Out With the Old? Not Just Yet.

I am easing into 2024 ever-so-slowly, not quite ready to face the fact that the holidays, and the time I spent with my precious family, are over. I am slightly embarrassed to admit that while my tree is disassembled and packed away, I still have piles of other holiday decorations stacked on tabletops and peeking out of half-empty Rubbermaid bins. I haven't even purchased a 2024 calendar, much less filled in the important dates! I feel frozen, honestly, lacking any motivation to finish projects or tackle the many things on my mental to-do list. All I want to do is sit on the couch with Chip and the pets, watch Acorn & Britbox, crochet and drink coffee. As frustrated as I am with my lack of motivation/direction, I'll give myself a little bit of grace here because, up until Thanksgiving, we'd been out of town for months, and went from moving back home straight into holiday season. Also, the post-Ian repairs are still underway, if you can believe it, so areas of the house a


October: the month of Samhain. Honoring. Remembering. Speaking of, and to, our ancestors who have passed before us. It's a sacred time, but also joyous. This year, less so.  You see, we have a new face to add to our family's ofrenda: the son of one of my dearest friends. Though I hadn't seen E in years, he was a part of our village, our extended family. My children grew up with he and his siblings, celebrating birthdays & holidays together, and spending one magical summer where we were all inseparable.  June 1998, Eric & his brother, Rob I can't begin to know what Susan is going through. Literally. I can't . Because to even edge close to what that must feel like takes my breath away and nearly brings me to my knees.  To lose one's child. This is a mother's worst nightmare. To say that it's wrong, unfair, all of the "usual" things we utter when a death happens, well, none of that comes close.  This is unimaginable pain. I don't k

When I Was a Boy

I was a kid that you would like Just a small boy on her bike Riding topless, yeah, I never cared who saw My neighbor came outside to say "Get your shirt," I said, "No way It's the last time I'm not breaking any law" And now I'm in this clothing store And the signs say less is more More that's tight means more to see More for them, not more for me That can't help me climb a tree in ten seconds flat When I was a boy See that picture? That was me Grass-stained shirt and dusty knees And I know things have gotta change They got  pills to sell They got implants to put in They got implants to remove But I am not forgetting That I was a boy too ~ When I Was a Boy by Dar Williams E.Michele~

08.23.2023 ~ Self Love Means..

Self-love means not apologizing for who I am, for being "different" or "weird" or "extra." It means not feeling ashamed of the qualities that make me unique, even if they aren't acceptable to any/everyone else. It's not bowing to the pressures of society, of my family, of myself to blend in, go along with the norm just because it makes someone else feel comfortable. Self-love means not shrinking down to be the size I think I should be, or what I was told to be. Not minimizing myself physically, mentally, or emotionally. Not feeling embarrassed by my sensitivity, realizing that it's a gift, not a fault. How many times would I shrink in shame when someone said, "Don't take this so personally! You're just too sensitive !" Who gets to define what is too much? Too big? Too loud? Too excited? Too silly? Who are the "theys" that make these rules that I have to follow? Self-love means not worrying so